Monday, January 28, 2013

Dog treat made from bull penis may pose health risks..

Dog treat made from bull penis may pose health risks..

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When dog owners toss their canine companions a bully stick to chew on, they might not be aware that the popular treat could be packed with calories and contaminated with bacteria, researchers say. And pet owners might not even know that the stick is made from an uncooked, dried bull penis.
In a small study, researchers examined a sample of 26 bully sticks, also known as pizzle sticks, manufactured in the United States and Canada.


  1. BELANGRIJK....... deze sticks (stierpenis) kan GEVAARLIJK zijn voor je hond...... LEES en DEEL

  2. Is This A Joke???? What On Earth Is Giong On???? Piss and shame On You!!!!!!

  3. This appears to be a false scare article.
    The worst thing about the bully stick (made from bull parts) is that it is high in calories.
    Go to your pet store and buy all the brands of pizzle stick you can, and you only will have 2 or 3 packages. Where did they even find 26 manufacturers? Stay away from Chinese brands (as always) and your dog should be fine.
    A third of the article mentions that the bully stick is made from bull penis. So what?

    1. First of all Keith, they don't state that they found 26 manufacturers.... it clearly says "researchers examined a sample of 26 bully sticks"
      These are dangerous due to the fact that dogs don't chew them up as well as they need to be and often get lodged in their intestines! Happened to my pitbull a couple years ago, he almost died and it cost me over 7 grand. No dog of mine or any dog in my care will ever be given a bully stick, and yeah, they are literally a died up bull's penis... that's a lot of bulls!!!!!!

    2. Dogs love them, they have been around forever and anyone that is a serious dog owner knows this. Everything causes a health risk but pizzle sticks will keep my dogs alive longer then any of the dog treats people are buying in stores~
      This entire post in senseless. These sticks have been around longer then you~ What did you think pizzle sticks were? And they are not bully sticks, they are the Pizzle Sticks, two different things.

    3. Thanks for clarifying about the 26 samples.
      I have come to understand that Rawhide can be terrible and cause blockages, as you have described.
      I had not heard of a case of a pizzle causing the same problems, but I would not doubt it. I used to feed my two rotties rawhide cause it made them happy, but I probably dodged a bullet. The article does not mention issues of blockage, but that probably is the worst possible threat.
      My three dogs now don't care for rawhides and my biggest fear is buying Chinese treats.
      I could care less which part of the cow it comes from.

    4. if you check with you will see that pizzle sticks or bully sticks are not raw plus the are inspected and safe for dogs.I is amazing to me what people come up with to discredit certain things for their dogs. How do you feel about feeding a dog raw chicken including bones? A relative of mine has a service dog and was instructed by the breeder to feed raw chicken to his dog. I would never feed it to my dog, however, his dog is very healthy and had never any diseases. Talk about a salmonella load at every feeding. Dogs deal with bacteria all the time because they would eat anything they could find if we would let them. Just watch your pet when you walk him.

    5. Bully or Pizzle sticks are Not bad for dogs. You can research on snopes. The sticks are not raw and smoked or otherwisw treated and dried. My dog loves them. A relative has a service dog he feeds him according to his breeders instructions raw chicken with the bones, the dog is healthy and never had a problem. I would never feed my dog raw chicken. Have you ever seen your dog dig up an old bone he had buried? Well, there are a lot of bacteria, however dogs deal with bacteria differently than humans. Every dog owner has a different opinion what is good for his or her pet. No reason to argue, use common sense and no Chinese products.

    6. I lost all ability to digest all foods many years ago, IAll raw. I was afraid to eat the raw chicken, beef and fish but found it digests far more easily than cooked and to my amazement I have never gotten sick with salmonella or anything else from eating it so long as it's organic and very fresh. I hate eating meat because I hate factory farm cruelty, etc... so am trying hard to be careful as to where I get it and how it was treated. As long as I eat raw chicken, beef, lamb and fish I feel stronger. Cooked meat makes me very toxic. So the raw chicken that has salmonella is chicken raised mostly in unhealthy factory farm conditions and is given allot of chemical drugs like antibiotics that kill and destroy the intrinsic healthy flora balance that is far more effective if its a good culture of fermentation rather than antibiotics that destroy health in the bigger picture and are the culprit also much of all of this is propaganda from the Pharmaceutical giants and from corps like the evil Monsanto. There's so much more that makes up the whole truth. Just enough truth and fact is omitted, distorted and twisted to create fear and mistrust persuading by design, humanity to trust these hideous life destroying corporations rather than nature and real case histories and testimonials which are often forbidden and made to be removed from the internet and places where humanity will learn the truth.

      There's a good book that taught me allot of this by Aajonus Vonderplanitz called "We Want To Live" He was my mentor and where I began to learn this. He learned from an old American Native man, and was via eating raw meat and other things able to become free of cancer that was advanced and killing him. He realized and experienced it was the drugs, the radiation, etc that was killing him faster than the cancer. The raw food and raw meat healed him. I find its important to combine raw alkaline juices and foods and raw oils and fats with it for balance and good results for animals and for myself as well.

  4. When I read up on them before giving them to my pup, they were advertised as leg tendons. HUMM....

  5. 1. This study was too small to draw any conclusions about this type of product. The study and the article are unscientific.
    2. Dogs are carnivores and descendants of wolves. Do you really think it matters which body part they get a meal from? Bull penis is meat, and is not an "animal byproduct" as was claimed in this very silly article.
    3. Obesity in dogs is caused by the carbs in processed food, not by animal protein. Dogs evolved to eat a diet of meat, bone and organ. Anything else in their food is unhealthy for them. They are not adapted to eat overprocessed grain and legume fragments, or all the veggies put into commercial foods. Meat does not make them fat.
    4. Fox News? Are you kidding me? If you get your information on pet health from Fox news, you need to find another source.
    5. As they even pointed out in this article, processed pet food is often contaminated with pathogens or even deadly mold toxins. What was the point? Perhaps they are telling us to feed a natural, raw diet as I have done for 11 years to several dogs and cats. I have had dogs live to 17 in good health till their very last days, and they never needed a dental cleaning. My vet has been impressed.
    6. Do you really think that anyone who knows about nutrition for their dog would be scared off by learning that bully sticks are made from bull penis? Are there "bad" parts of the animal that we should be too embarrassed to feed?
    7. Are you trying to advocate for a vegetarian diet for our carnivores? If so, I am not interested in receiving your emails any more, because that is animal abuse. You wouldn't feed meat to a cow, and you shouldn't feed a non-meat diet to a carnivore.

    1. Thanks "Unknown" your comment makes the most sense!! The bottom line is that dogs are born carnivores, and in their view, meat is meat, I don't think they care much about what the cut is; whether it be steak or penis!!!

    2. Took the words right out of my mouth! It's the same feeding cats Fish,Beef.... Has anyone ever seen a cat catch a fish or cow and eat it? All the cereals are so bad for pets just a cheap nasty way to fill them up..Feed your pets Meat chicken,rabbits...Natural!!!

  6. Gross, glad I don't buy them for my dog!

  7. Just when I think I've heard it all ,yet another "thing shows up in life that just is deplorable or disgusting . I don't even understand why people still feed the animals rawhide much less THIS ! This product needs to be taken off the market... banned. At minimum everyone needs to be made aware of these facts. Think people...yet another source of bacteria! has found its way into your home! THINK!!!! Yet another germ filled object left on the rug is tracking germs all over your house.. even tracked into your bed by your own feet dragging it around. think.

    1. There is NOTHING wrong with feeding your CARNIVOROUS dog ANY part of an animal. If you are so paranoid about germs, you should not have any pets! Or leave the house for that matter. Oh but remember, when you are ALWAYS sick, it's because you have no immunity from being so "afraid" of germs.

  8. Compared to rawhide this is entirely benign. If you don’t know what you are feeding your dog and are not practicing proper hygiene, you probably should not have a dog. This is a non event.

  9. Ok, why is this even a story? Every ounce of meat meant to be processed as dog food, treats, and even products meant for human consumption start out with bacteria. That's what the cooking process is for. It doesn't bother me, or my pets, that it's made from bovine penis. It's still a healthy source of protein that's NOT MADE IN CHINA.

  10. I don't understand. Is this article supposed to be telling me something I don't already know? I thought everyone knew already what a bully stick actually is. And what about the "small study" mentioned in this article? What exactly did the study reveal?

  11. that is sick they need to take that off the shelfs

  12. Jayne, you might want to pick a different story to advocate than this one. There's nothing wrong with these Bully Sticks, as others have pointed out, and I agree that Fox News probably isn't the best place to take your information from.
    Eating bull penis isn't going to hurt the dog. It's meat (*not* a by-product at all and they got that wrong big time)
    , and seeing as our canine friends are carnivores, that'd be a good thing for them to have. Aside from mildly humoring me, I really don't care if it came from a bull's naughty bits and I seriously doubt any dog cares either. And as far as the bacteria goes, yeah, you probably should wash your hands after giving one to puppy like you would any meat, but dogs are more than capable and built for eating raw meat. Heck, they're built for eating things that have been dead and rotting for days even. Their bodies can handle the bacteria in ways that human bodies can't, so there's nothing to fear there.
    Anyhow, the point is, this is an incorrect article. You might wanna check on things like this before posting them next time. :\ #justsaying

  13. If the initiators knew their facts, such as what is really in rawhide, dog food, dog treats and various other pet food products, I'm sure this article and a whole lot more would be here. Ok Im a meat eating pet owner and like my canine friend, I eat meat. All the vegetarians I know have criticized me for years on all the poor, defenseless animals that are killed each year for meat eaters. Yet you fail to take notice of the innocent woodland creatures the combines kill each year to harvest your veggie diets....rabbits, field mice, baby deer hiding from danger and other small or young omnivore wildlife. Yet we eat the meat, you just let it rot in the sun to be carrion for a lucky wild meat eater to snatch a bite or two as a snack. There are certain meats I don't eat, there are certain meats I devour and ask for seconds. My ancestors hunted bear, turkey, deer and various other animals in the woods and never let any part go to waste. I don't have that same ability today thanks to European settlers who have come by the millions and took the land for their own selfish desires, but nonetheless I say my grace before I eat. Before I hear one more thing about how appalling meat eating is, veggie eaters, think about the combines roaring down the fields of grain and vegetables maiming and killing just as many animals as we kill to eat. And as for dried bull penis as a dog treat? dog steals the horse hoof trimmings from the farrier to chew on and he's happier than a pig in slop!

    1. My son feeds his dog bully sticks, it's his dogs favorite treat! My son giggles like a schoolgirl because bull penises are funny ( Im going to agree here ) ... That big ole chocolate looks at my son with LOVE and follows him off into the field to play ball ... That my friends is something I wouldn't change for the world ... This is the silliest thing I've ever seen on causes and I've seen some silliness

    2. >"Before I hear one more thing about how appalling meat eating is, veggie eaters, think about the combines roaring down the fields of grain and vegetables maiming and killing just as many animals as we kill to eat."

      Gonna have to remember that for the next time veggie folks try to guilt trip me over eating meat again. And I'm glad that I'm not the only one who gets more than a little frustrated when they keep doing that as if it's going to suddenly make me decide that meat isn't delicious as all hell. ^_^

    3. I don't eat meat, but my husband and my dog both do, so you just need to do what makes you happy and leave other people to decide for themselves what they eat or not.If people would not eat cows, what would we do with all of them, just keep some for the milk and kill off the rest and throw them away?
      Thank god for meat eaters.

  14. I wouldn't believe Fox News if they were carrying five bibles and sitting on ten! My dogs eat the dried penis sticks and never a sign of a problem ever. Give up that one, and stick to genuine cases of animal abuse which all concientious pet owners abhor.

  15. The article was from LiveScience. Fox News merely used their article. Blaming Fox News is so de rigueur. Many dog treats are being found unsafe and dogs have gotten sick and died. The fact that dog treats are finally being studied and analyzed for safety is a good thing. Ask the people who have lost their pets to unsafe pet treats. If some people object to feeding their dogs meat products for moral reasons, that is their decision. Why would you care?
